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Flexible job opportunity!
Hi guys!

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~ { 11/23/2013 02:26:00 PM }
Anywhere you are;


I figured out that I wanna do so many things. I wasted some years of my life and failed to understand that there's more to life BUT it's never too late!

I wanna learn how to swim, dance, play guitar, be bold enough to sing aloud, go and cycle sooon!!
Sososo many things I haven't achieved and we're turning 20 next year which is unbelievable how time flies. I'm always a kid at heart and I won't allow anything to change this. *determined*

~ { 7/08/2012 12:24:00 PM }
Anywhere you are;


Hmmm I don't know what got into me, just felt like posting something today after a really long time!
No one reads my blog anymore lol but I think it's still good to maintain it and keep it here.

Time flies, now I'm already in my 3rd year, specialising in HRM. I hope I'm right about my choice :D
Goshhh, one moment ago I was in my 1st year orientation programme and met new classmates. Days, weeks months passed and I was in 2nd year. It seems like those days just happened yesterday. But the process is not that easy hahahah cuz there were so many projects, tests and everything ,oops I should have used the word 'are' instead.

Arrrgh but I haven't hit the minimum criteria to obtain a bronze award for my CCA. Considering that I'm in mentoring, Leo club and also used to be in Rotaract as well as Squash, this is really not good :S
Guess sometimes I have a problem of committing to something. I need to work towards a bronze award! Whenever I think about Squash, I'd get a lil upset cuz the president promised that she had keyed in my CCA points and told me to wait patiently. But in the end, I didn't obtain anything sigghhhs. It was still a good experience though! even though I have to work on my speed and strength of my arms. Talking about this, I feel really apologetic towards Jas and the group ): cuz I haven't used the squash racket since I quitted squash (Guilt has been accumulating ever since then!)
Okay but wow couldn't believe that I was erhemmm ONCE so active in ccas LOL. Good memories~

Haven't met Jas and the group for centuries! really miss them sooooo much. I can't bear to think about how things are gonna be like when all of us start working, we'd probably be even more tied up with our own lives.

I figured out that I should also talk a lil about my poly friends :P
Damn they're a crazy bunch, just like Jas and the group. Didn't know/anticipate that I'd meet people like them. There's this very calm & cool one, motherly one, loud & talkative one, artistic one and carefree one. We call ourselves awesome fillets hehehhe. But too bad some of us have been splited up into different classes due to our chosen specialisations. Oh wells...
But we met new and nice classmates too this sem, two of whom, Sock Ee and Aaron are already with us (at least that's how we feel XD).

Been kinda busy with my assignments when this is only the 4th week of school. More to come~
Sometimes I wish I'm a big patch of grass which readily absorbs the rain falling from the sky (sounds weird but it's just something like that la).

Ohmy, I don't feel like ending this blog post. Can I just go on forever??
ooooohh. My dearest bro is already in the army T.T and I can only see him on weekends. Words totally cannot describe how I feel about this. But I'm rather prideful and I hope he doesn't see this :/
I'll just continue to exude coolness then >:D

Ahhhhh I don't know where I should/can go to upon my graduation. If I don't plan, there's a high possibility that I'd end up wandering aimlessly. Nonono I can't let this happen! I shall plan something for myself soon or...maybe plan later? like after I graduate? Let's see...
I should really take up some new hobbies or learn something new.
In case, just in case I end up working after I graduate. So at least I have a strong passion for something besides workingworkingworking like a workaholic.

ntidli, ijfis.

~ { 5/10/2012 04:20:00 PM }
Anywhere you are;


I'm 18!
Aw, I'm finally 18 now. ):
Am I really not 17 already?
Last time I used to look forward to celebrating birthdays but in recent years, there's this lack of excitement and enthusiasm, I just can't believe that I have reached the legal age.
All of us used to say we wanna grow up soon, and now that we have done that, we realised we don't really meant what we said. Instead we wish we never have to grow up.
Who'd have expected the long way we have to travel and the amount of effort we have to put in to become what we are today. How did we manage to live through so many previous years and finally be here today.
I think it's been so long that our parents have been taking care of us;all the way from the day we were born till today. It's time we do more for them, more than just caring and sharing.
Omg it's holidaysssssss now! after such a long time!! yayyy! But I feel more lethargic. Maybe going to work, must meet up with friends and get alot of rest! :D

~ { 8/28/2011 05:20:00 PM }
Anywhere you are;


Seize every opportunity
I just realised I may have a passion for community services?:D hahah, well it's too early to say now. I think I need time to figure out what I really want before deciding on anything.
We need not be trained in doing community services as they can be done in our everyday lives.
I can't believe that it's right in front of me all along and yet I took such a long time before understanding it.
Way too important and special, probably priceless. So much so that I'd rather things remain in this way than letting changes take place as there may be no turning back.

~ { 8/07/2011 01:46:00 PM }
Anywhere you are;