The start of my missing.
Yesterday, it was quite a bored day, mainly on speeches. My new form teacher, Mrs Chan is a very nice lady. I couldn't find the excitement, although I get to see all my classmates again, it's because of.. And school hours, mass jog, recess time had changed. For Monday and Tuesday, we will be dismiss at 2pm, Wednesday and Thursday, we will be dismiss at 1pm, Friday, we will be dismiss at 12.30pm. Mr Satwant announced that mass jog will be changed slightly, level by level, that means on a particular day, sec ones will run.Another day, sec twos will run and so on to prevent congestion. We used to run with another level, but now, a little bored. Recess time changed, they used to let us all go for recess together. But now, they said that since the seniors like cutting queues, they will put sec threes and fours together for recess and sec ones and twos for recess and that can also save the time spent on queueing up. What's the difference? there are still lots of people in the canteen, although the queues have cut short but does that mean anything? Actually, I like the idea of together going for recess, it's like all schoolmates staying together, eating together but now we are being separated, that means that we won't know each other that well.
Today actually we have agreed on going to Bukit Merah Central together, but after we finished our lunch in school, Jasmine told Xinyi and I to run, while Jacie isn't looking. We started running, I said" why? I thought we'll be going together?it's bad to leave her behind." But my legs carried on going. Of course I know that it's kinda wrong, to leave someone behind, it's so sad. They don't seem to want her coming along, we were so surprised when she didn't call us. I'm so mean, I did that to her, she must be sad and hurt now. I can't imagine the sadness, she will feel that no one welcomes her.
I didn't forget him, it's so empty without him around. I wonder how he has been doing, has he been flirting again? He's my crush, I didn't see him for about two months plus already, when will he come and visit the school teachers? He must have forgotten me although he somehow tried to befriend me last year. I can't see him during recess or mass jog anymore.