Anger no more..
Today went back to school, quite happy.I could see everyone again, including those whom I don't know.Well, felt tired, I was having slight headache during lessons.And during Science lesson, Jacie was sitting beside me, and I noticed tt she was dozing off.I gave her a nudge, and she woke up immediately, with wide eyes.
Dealing with Science Project, sigh..we have to start on another part.Which is quite a rush, we have to plan everything, I don't know how to, seriously.And I am now my group's leader, actually, I didn't stepped out willingly, I mean shouldn't they give a try too?I couldn't cope, with no plannings, no time.
And I was actually angry with Jasmine today.I would sound stupid, during lunch time, we were heading to the canteen, everything was okay.But I soon realised tt Zilin and her started chatting and laughing and I was like.. a fool standing behind them, not knowing wad to say, and I wouldn't have the slightest intention of interrupting them, I just kept to myself, they went to queue up without me, of course that was okay, just tt I felt a bit not used to it.There is still Jacie, haha, I really realised tt she has understand wad all of us want from her, she really changed.The most interesting part was tt Jasmine and Zilin just walked past me, after buying the food, while Jacie and I were still queueing up.Not just tt, Jasmine walked past, it's okay.Do you know wad Zilin did?ZIlin walked past me with her eyes telling me"see? haha, I will let you have a taste of wad it's like being like this."And I was like.."grrrrr" inside, I turned to one side, made an angry expression, Jacie noticed tt, and I told her how I felt, and she said tt she could feel tt too.After tt, of course we have to sit down for lunch, Zilin told me to sit beside her, okay, that's okay.I sat beside her and she said"just now, Jasmine and I were just pretending, are you angry?"I said"nope." I don't know if she meant anything when walking past me, with the expression, after showing me tt expression, she turned her head to the "proper" position, like I am her enemy.But, my anger faded.Jacie said"even if you are angry, don't ever try interrupting them as they would hate you for that." I was really surprised for wad she said as I didn't expect tt.And Congratulations! Jacie, you have turned for the better.Haha, I mean it. I don't want to be petty anymore so I decided to change too.If you do wad you did today, it's okay with me, anger would fade.Today, I really closed one eye, trying to distract myself, trying not to see too much of wad they were doing.Jasmine, of course you have the freedom.I understand, but of course I know tt you want the truth, these are the truth.I mean you can choose wad you want to do, you don't have to give in to me just because you are worried tt I would be neglected or sad.I mean nothing, just the truth.I'm not good in expressing myself, but hope tt you can understand.